Additional resources to help with recovery after injury
The Trauma Survivors Network (TSN)
We are a community of patients and survivors looking to connect with one another and rebuild their lives after a serious injury. The underlying goal of our resources and programs is to ensure the victims of trauma a stable recovery and to connect those who share similar stories.
Virtual Support Group
The Trauma Survivors Network (TSN) offers monthly virtual support groups to individuals who have experienced a physical injury. Each month, a new topic is discussed, and you will have the opportunity to meet with others who may have similar experiences to you. You will learn about emotional recovery and strategies to improve wellness and mental health.
Virtual Support groups are free and confidential 90-minute online group sessions.
Groups are co-led by TSN Trauma Professionals and TSN Peers.
Upcoming Calls and Events
February 2025​
Wednesday, February 12, 3:30-5:00 pm ET: Virtual Support Group: "Growing Hearts Finding Connection Post-Injury"
Register here.​
Wednesday, February 26, 5:30-7:00 pm ET: Virtual Support Group: "Growing Hearts Finding Connection Post-Injury"
Register here.
Questions? E-mail Katherine Joseph at
The National Crime Victims Center
The NCVC offers a variety of specialized, evidence-based assessment, intervention, and treatment services to adult and child victims of violent crime and their families, as well as to victims of other forms of traumatic events, such as automobile accidents, house fires, industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters.
Charleston Area Support Groups
After leaving the hospital or rehabilitation facility, the Trauma Survivors Support Group provides an opportunity that allows trauma survivors and their families to connect with other survivors. When you have experienced a major event in your life, like being injured, it is helpful to talk with others. We can learn by talking to other survivors and sharing how we deal with the challenges of recovery.
Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S. Sexual Assault Center
Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S. Sexual Assault Center (formerly People Against Rape) is a sexual assault advocacy program offering free support and services for survivors of sexual assault in Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley counties of South Carolina. - A Caregiver’s Guide to Coping with Stress and Burnout is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. offers a caregiver's guide to help with burnout and stress, including how to identify and manage each. The link below also provides respite care options and a list of helpful resources for caregivers.
The Family Tree Program
An outpatient adolescent substance use treatment program that offers therapy to children ages 12-18 who reside in the Berkley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. The adolescent may also present with co-occurring mental illness such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, trauma or post-traumatic like symptoms, etc. They will receive therapeutic interventions such as psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement as part of the treatment included within their time at Family Tree. If you or a loved one are looking to learn more about the Family Tree Program call 843-709-6663.